Dear Members,
I have organised 7 quarterly dinners. All became SOLD OUT ticketed events with bonus tables.
I have organised ten 31 Days of Learning programmes and each delivery gets FULL HOUSE of 20 pax each with half of the ten exceeding 30 participants. Honored that the last one to be delivered in July 2024 is also a full house session 3 weeks before starting.
I have organised many other events in the last 2 years and they were all MAXED OUT with some even ending up as an overbooked event eg tonight special talk/workshop.
I have only one word to described all of you – AMAZING
None of the above would have been possible without the kind support of members. I am truly touched and humbled. And I want to take this opportunity to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all made Grow what it is today.

Welcome to the Grow Universe !
GROW has 2 Facebook groups, 2 Facebook pages, 1 Linkedin page, 1 Telegram, 1 YouTube channel, 7 WhatsApp groups (Official Room, Business Room, Casual Room, BizLeads Room, and Klang Valley Chapter Room, 1 app as well as a website. You are encouraged to explore all of them and decide which ones you would like to join.
1. GSC Support Room. This is for members to interact and for business/professional networking. Joining this secondary Grow WhatsApp is optional for members but highly encouraged.
2. GSC BizLeads Room. This is for members to post their business needs, what they are looking for, and services required. Members will then respond. No selling and no promotion of non-members.
3. GSC Business Room. This is for members to introduce their business, make announcements, offers and seek collaborations.
4. Grow ChitChat Room. This room is for members to have leisure conversations and casual interactions.
5. Grow Kindness FB group page. This is our CSR where we promote the concept of Being Kind to all Kinds. You can join this at It now has almost 3,000 members.
6. Grow Success Club FB group page. You can post your business ads in here. It now has almost 6,000 members. You can join the group at
7. Grow Success Club’s Linkedin page is at
8. Grow Success Club’s Instagram account is growsuccessclub.
9. Grow Success Club keeps all its promo visuals and past events recording in our Telegram.
10. Grow Klang Valley Chapter (KVC) is meant for Malaysian members based in KL and surrounding areas. Those who wish to do business in KL and need local contacts can also join this group.
11. Grow Success Club and all the Grow-related entities are owned and managed by Grow Global Pte Ltd whose official page can be found at
12. Grow Global runs a society known as the Association for Trainers, Educators and Mentors or A.TEAM for short. You can join the page at
13. Grow Success Club operates a YouTube channel called groTV. It serves as our members’ aggregated content marketing platform. Please subscribe to our groTV at
14. Our website URL is or and members are encouraged to set up their profiles in the members Directory. The Directory is one of the key benefits of being a Grow member
15. The Club also offers members upgrading through authorship in Grow books and podcast leverage in Growcast.
16. Lastly do register at where you can access many channels. AppVantage is the latest in the Grow Universe. is the latest in the Grow Universe. The superapp developed by the Association for Trainers, Educators and Mentors (A.TEAM) will be launched during the 5th Meet & Meal event. The app is currently free to public.

Grow will be launching 2 Interest Groups during its 5th Meet and Meal event (celebrating the World’s Entrepreneurs’ Day). One of the interest groups is called The Beacons. It is a group for members who are organisational leaders and for those who are serious about wanting to be a good leader. A 31-day e-learning on Effective Leadership is the precursor to the launch of The Beacons.

Grow Success Club will be celebrating the World’s Entrepreneurs’ Day at its 5th and biggest Meet & Meal event with Presidential hopeful Mr George Goh as the Guest-of-Honour. This celebration will be an annual event and will be a night of awards. To kickstart the first year, there will be 3 awards to be given out and they are:
Top Ambassador Award (the 5th)
Grow SME Award 2023
Grow Entrepreneur Award 2023

We are pleased to announce that Grow will be holding its first official book launch on Sunday 12 March 2023 at NLB Level 16 The Pod.

TSMEA was established in 2006, by a small group of dedicated and organized entrepreneurs. The aim was to promote unity within individual businesses in the industrial park so that we can interact with each other. The association has grown tremendously over the years and currently has approximately 100 members from a wide spectrum of trades and industries. These members provide vast resources and opportunities which enabled TSMEA to develop an influential business network for business and community development. Become a member of TSMEA so that you can benefit from the membership services, facilities and activities etc.

We would like to update all our Grow members that our official partnership with the Singapore Digital Chamber of Commerce is stronger than ever and we will be having cross-membership activities.
All interested Grow Success Club members are able to enjoy 50% discount off the SGDCC membership rates.
Please click this link to register:

In Grow we have 2 types of physical events. Grow Official Event (organised by GG/GSC) and Grow Supported Event (organised by members that have the approval and support of GG). Either way we are building albums in our Gallery page to show work and play. So those members that are initiating Grow Supported Events please send to me photos of the event so that it can be shared on our website.
Grow Global will also be launching another new initiative in September 2022.
The Grow YES (Young Entrepreneur Success) is aimed at those below 25 years of age who are keen or are already running a business.
Members from Grow YES will be tapping on the free knowledge-sharing sessions and in addition, be mentored by GSC members. Grow YES is headed by GSC Leader Hanafi Mohd Sam.
Watch out for more information.