Membership Code of Conduct


  1. The company managing the network: Grow Global Pte Ltd “GGPL”.
  2. The network: Grow Flair Business Network “GSC”.
  3. The management of the company: Grow Global Management “GGM”
  4. The members of the network “Members”
  5. The website: “Website”. 

All members of the Grow Flair Business Network (GSC) shall abide by the following Code of Conduct.
Members have the right to

  1. Be treated equally, fairly, and with respect at all times by all GSC members, sponsors, and guests.
  2. Voice their suggestions, opinions, and requests to GGM via the website’s contact us form.
  3. For Singapore Entities, the complete Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) coverage of the Republic of Singapore.

Members must

  1. Treat all other GSC members, sponsors, and guests equally, fairly, and with respect at all times.
  2. Conduct themselves responsibly, such that the reputation of GSC and its members, sponsors, and guests will not be threatened or tarnished.
  3. Not partake in sexual, racial, religious, politics and commercial harassment.
  4. Not spam the GSC Official Room (inclusive of any personal discussions).
  5. Not pressurize contacts in any form to join GSC.
  6. Not induce nor participate in any way:
    1. Toxic behaviors of any type, such as harassment, false accusations, discrimination, and radicalization.
    2. Unethical activities of any type, such as interaction with malware, money solicitation, grooming, and bribery.
  7. Not on behalf of GGM and GSC, through any public medium, act to represent nor create and release any statement, unless authorized by GGM.
  8. Seek GGM’s approval if said member wishes to arrange an activity relevant to Grow.
  9. Report any inappropriate behavior of a GSC member to GGM for action via the website’s contact us form.
  10. Verify and when necessary, raise to GGM the accuracy and completeness of any membership fee amount, product, and service before transaction completion. There will strictly be no refunds upon transaction completion.
  11. Provide true, complete, and accurate membership information, and promptly update membership information.
  12. Avoid conflicts of interest in the acceptance and discharge of duties for GSC, and, should any conflict of interest arise, disclose the conflict to GGM and abstain from relevant GSC duties as applicable.
  13. Ensure that English is used in the GSC Official Room. The use of other languages requires decent translation to English before communication.
  14. Only promote their respective products and services and not from a 3rd party. The admin has the rights to query members for verification.

Members are strongly encouraged to

  1. Share business opportunities, resources, invites, and requests within the GSC community at the earliest possible time.

Breaches of this Code of Conduct:

  1. GGM will issue a maximum of 2 warnings via WhatsApp or email, which are recognized as legally binding documents.
  2. Appointed moderators by GGM will flag and take immediate action against any inappropriate and/or incriminating text messages, videos, voice messages, chat stickers, and Graphics Interchange Formats (GIFs).
  3. GGM reserves full rights to issue a warning to, suspend, and revocate any GSC member at any time, and at its sole discretion.
  4. The GGM reserves the right to take legal action against any illegal infringement.
  5. There is to be no refund of membership fee or any other product/service paid to GG upon completion of transaction.

While GGM aims to provide a conducive, fair, and respectful environment to the GG community, GGM is not responsible or liable for any misrepresentations by GG members. Any warnings, suspension, and revocation proceedings will be in accordance with the specified terms and conditions governing GG. All GG rules and regulations may be amended at any time and at the sole discretion of GGM.